Past labs

The furtherment of human knowledge comes from building on foundations of previous discoveries of past researchers.

I strongly believe that science has to be a collaborative process, and very the best scientific advancements come from team work.

I have been very fortunate to work in a number of outstanding research labs around the world, who have encouraged my professional development and provided a supportive environment in which to develop as a research scientist. 


"If we see further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants" - Issac Newton (1675)



The Global Change Institute (GCI) at The University of Queensland is where Emma currently works. The GCI, established in 2010, is an independent source of innovative research, ideas, policy and advice for addressing the challenges of a changing world.

Led by Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, the GCI works to address the impacts of climate change and population growth through collaborative research across themes such as clean energy, food systems, and healthy oceans.



Headed by A/Prof. Guillermo Diaz-Pulido, the coral-reef algae lab at Griffith University is interested in physiological, biogeochemical, ecological & conservation questions related to tropical marine algae and coral reefs.

Emma moved to Australia in 2013 to join this lab, and spent three years helping the team with their goal of understanding the nature and drivers of ecological dynamics between macroalgae and corals, the roles of algae in reef ecosystems, and how human activities affect the algae and their interactions with corals.



The Marine Spatial Ecology Lab, where Emma undertook her PhD, is currently located at the University of Queensland, Australia. Under Professor Pete Mumby MSEL have been conducting research into coral reef ecosystems, fisheries, modelling, and socioeconomics. With an interdisciplinary team of PhD students,  postdocs, and collaborators in over 15 countries MSEL is involved with research projects on the Great Barrier Reef, in the Philippines, Indonesia, Palau, Belize, Bahamas and other coral reefs ecosystems throughout the world.